9:00 AM09:00

NRA Rifle Shooting Class

NRA Rifle Shooting Class is a 8-hours hands-on flagship class giving a strong foundation in rifle fundamentals. What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

You're welcome to bring your own firearm to the class. Firearm usage is available at no-fee, just let me know prior to class.

Class is at Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Raod, Sherwood, OR

$125 by check prior to the class, sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606.

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8:00 AM08:00

NRA Rifle Instructor

NRA Rifle Instructor certification classes at Tri-County Gun Club, Sherwood Oregon. Prerequisite is the NRA rifle shooting class being offered 3/8. Prerequisites is the NRA B.I.T. (Basic Instructor Training) is being offered the evening of March 8th & 9th 5-8pm.. What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

$250 by check, send to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO)

NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO)

March 10th, 9-5pm


Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd Sherwood, Oregon

This is the NRA range safety officer class, class runs 8-hours. This class is all about being a successful NRA range safety officer. Candidates to the class, bring 2-copies of their favorite range rules. Writing utensil, including highlighter.

This is the required class for many ranges to have the range-open or activities including training being done. The RSO is all about running the range and instructing-enforcing the range standard operating rules.

$125, check: Firearm Training NW, P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

If you have questions??? Shaun Curtain (360) 921-2071

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO)

NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO)

March 11th, 9-5pm


Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd, Sherwood OR

This is the NRA chief range safety officer (CRSO) class, class runs 8-hours. NRA CRSO certifies NRA range safety officers (RSO). CRSO can be in charge of a range complex, and may be tasked with writing or updating “Standard Operating Procedures” (S.O.P.)

NRA CRSO is an Instructor certification, prerequisite are:

  • NRA Range Safety Officer certification, being offered 3/10 $125.

  • NRA B.I.T. (Basic Instructor Training) within 2-years, offered evenings March 8th & 9th $100.

$200, check: Firearm Training NW, P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain (360) 921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Kennewick Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

March 13th, 6pm

Ranch & Home: 845 N. Columbia Center Blvd, Kennewick.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws.. Firearm’s, ammunition, holster’s, use of deadly force, what will it cost…

Class includes fingerprinting / photo /copies, all no-fee.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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4:00 PM16:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

March 14th, 4pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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10:00 AM10:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

March 15th, 10am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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1:00 PM13:00

Portland Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

March 16th, 1pm

The Place To Shoot: 904 Hayden Meadow Drive

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hrs, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain, 360-921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Vancouver Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

March 17th 6pm

Vancouver Trap Club: 11100 NE 76th ST

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain, 360-921-2071

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1:00 PM13:00

Portland Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

February 23rd, 1pm

The Place To Shoot: 904 Hayden Meadow Drive

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hrs, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain, 360-921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Vancouver Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

February 17th 6pm

Vancouver Trap Club: 11100 NE 76th ST

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain, 360-921-2071

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10:00 AM10:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

February 15th, 10am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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4:00 PM16:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

February 14th, 4pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Kennewick Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

February 13th, 6pm

Ranch & Home: 845 N. Columbia Center Blvd, Kennewick.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws.. Firearm’s, ammunition, holster’s, use of deadly force, what will it cost…

Class includes fingerprinting / photo /copies, all no-fee.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Pistol Instructor

NRA Pistol Instructor certification classes at Tri-County Gun Club, Sherwood Oregon. Prerequisite is the NRA pistol shooting class being offered 2/1. This class allows instructors to certify individuals for an Oregon CHL It is the required certification to be able to take instructor certification class for the Utah multi-State concealed carry class. Prerequisites is the NRA B.I.T. (Basic Instructor Training) is being offered the evening of February 2nd & 3rd 5-8pm.. What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

$250 by check, send to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Pistol Shooting Class

NRA Pistol Shooting Class is a 8-hours hands-on flagship class giving a strong foundation in pistol fundamentals. What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

Class is at Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Raod, Sherwood, OR

$125 by check prior to the class, sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606.

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10:00 AM10:00

Portland Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

January 18th, 10am

The Place To Shoot: 904 Hayden Meadow Drive

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hrs, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain, 360-921-2071

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10:00 AM10:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

January 11th, 10am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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4:00 PM16:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

January 10th, 4pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Kennewick Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

January 9th, 6pm

Ranch & Home: 845 N. Columbia Center Blvd, Kennewick.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws.. Firearm’s, ammunition, holster’s, use of deadly force, what will it cost…

Class includes fingerprinting / photo /copies, all no-fee.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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10:00 AM10:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

December 14th, 10am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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4:00 PM16:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

December 13th, 4pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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9:00 AM09:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

November 16th, 9am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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6:00 PM18:00

Kennewick Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

November 14th, 6pm

Ranch & Home: 845 N. Columbia Center Blvd, Kennewick.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws.. Firearm’s, ammunition, holster’s, use of deadly force, what will it cost…

Class includes fingerprinting / photo /copies, all no-fee.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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1:00 PM13:00

NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor

NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor Class

November 8th, 1-6pm. Sherwood Oregon

$100, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA Home Firearm Safety (HFS) instructor certification class. It is a hands-on class that certifies you as a an NRA HFS instructor. This is an instructor class that has no shooting requirements. This class satisfy the Oregon concealed carry training requirements. .

The pre-requisites for this class include:

  • NRA Basic Instructor Training (B.I.T.) within the last 2-years. This is a 6-hour class that covers how to teach the NRA -way. How to order NRA materials & complete an NRA course report. When / how to use the title NRA certified firearm instructor Class includes NRA Trainers Guide . Let me know if you need this class. I will be offering this class on November 9th & 10th 5-8pm, $100.

  • NRA basic Home Firearm Safety. Offered 11/8 9-1pm $50

  • NRA pre-course qualification, given at the start of class.

NRA requires a minimum of 4-participants to conduct an NRA instructor class. If there is less then 4-particpants you will receive a full refund & a 1/2-off coupon.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Home Firearm Safety

NRA Home Firearm Safety Class

November 8th, 9-1pm Sherwood Oregon

$50, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA Home Firearm Safety (HFS) class. It is a hands-on class that certifies you as passing the NRA HFS instructor. This class has no shooting requirements. This class satisfy the Oregon concealed carry training requirements. .

No prequisites for this class, class covers

  • Firearm function, includes cleaning and storage.

  • Transportation of firearm, including Oregon gun-laws, and federal firearm laws.

  • This class is the required prerequisites class for the NRA HFS-Instructor.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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9:00 AM09:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

Octobr 19th, 9am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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1:00 PM13:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

October 17th, 1pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Reloading Instructor

NRA Reloading Instructor Certification Class

October 8th, 9-5pm

Vancouver Trap Club


This class certifies you as an NRA reloading instructor.

The prerequisite for this class is:

  1. NRA basic reloading class. Being offered Oct 7th $125.

  2. NRA Basic Instructor Training (B.I.T.) within 2-years, being offered Oct 10th & 12th 5-8pm. Cost is $100. B.I.T. Is all about teaching the NRA-way, how to order NRA materials, how to complete the NRA course report. When / how to use the title “NRA certified firearm instructor”. NRA B.I.T. refresher is offer no-fee.

What to bring: Rifle, 100 rounds quality ammunition, eye & ear protection (electronic ear protection recommend), cleaning kit.

Pre-registration / payment required prior to class.

Checks sent to: Firearm Training NW, P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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1:00 PM13:00

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim

NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar

October 5th, 1-4pm.

Vancouver Rifle & Pistol Club:

12211 NE 76th Street< Vancouver WA

$20, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA RTBV (Refuse To Be A Victim) seminar. This is all about situational awareness and best proactisy to keep you and your family safe.

Pre-registration & payment required prior to class.

Check sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Shotgun Instructor Class

NRA Shotgun Instructor Class

September 4th, 9-5pm.

Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd, Sherwood OR

$200, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA shotgun instructor certification class. It is a hands-on class that certifies you as a an NRA shotgun instructor.

The pre-requisites for this class include:

  1. NRA Basic Instructor Training (B.I.T.) within the last 2-years. This is a 6-hour class that covers how to teach the NRA -way. How to order NRA materials & complete an NRA course report. When / how to use the title NRA certified firearm instructor Class includes NRA Trainers Guide . Let me know if you need this class. I will be offering this class on September 6th * 7th 5-8pm $100. Refresher of the NRA B.I.T. is offered no-fee.

  2. NRA basic shotgun shooting class. Offered 9/3 9-5pm $125

Pre-registration & payment required prior to class.

Check sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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9:00 AM09:00

NRA Shotgun Shooting Class

NRA Shotgun Shooting Class

May 7th, 9-5pm

Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd, Sherwood OR

Cost $125

This is a fun hands-on class that teaches the basic of shotgun ownership.

Class cover:

  1. Basic firearm safety, laws transporting & storage.

  2. Safe firearm storage.

  3. Shotgun types and actions.

  4. Ammunition fundamentals.

  5. Fundamentals of shotgun shooting.

  6. Common shotgun shooting errors

  7. Selecting a shotgun, ammunition, and accessories.

  8. Cleaning and maintaining your shotgun.

  9. Shotgun shooting activities and skill development.

This is the NRA premier shotgun shooting class.

What to bring: Shotgun, 100-rounds of ammunition, eye & ear protection (electronic ear protection recommended), cleaning kit. Usage of firearm is available at no-cost, just let me know when signing-up.

Pre-registration/ payment prior to class.

Check sent to: Firearm Training NW Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain (360) 921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

Battle Ground Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

August 14th 6pm

Best Western: 1419 West Main Street,

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 3-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071           

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to Jul 25

NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor

NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home InstructorCertification

July 24th & 25th, 9-4pm.

Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd, Sherwood OR

$200, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA personal protection outside the home class. It is a hands-on class that gives you a strong ability to carry a concealed carry handgun and draw from the holster.

This is not a basic shooting course. This class is all about using a handgun defensively.

Pre-registration & payment required prior to class.

Check sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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to Jul 23

NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Student

NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home

July 22nd & 23rd, 9-4pm.

Tri-County Gun Club: 13050 SW Tonquin Rd, Sherwood OR

$200, pre-registration required

 This is the NRA personal protection outside the home class. It is a hands-on class that gives you a strong ability to carry a concealed carry handgun and draw from the holster.

This is not a basic shooting course. This class is all about using a handgun defensively.

Pre-registration & payment required prior to class.

Check sent to: Firearm Training NW P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie WA 98606

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 /

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6:00 PM18:00

Kennewick Concealed Carry Class (Copy)

Concealed Carry Class

July 18th, 6pm

Ranch & Home: 845 N. Columbia Center Blvd, Kennewick.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws.. Firearm’s, ammunition, holster’s, use of deadly force, what will it cost…

Class includes fingerprinting / photo /copies, all no-fee.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me? Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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6:00 PM18:00

McMinnville Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

June 17th 6pm

Comfort Inn: 2520 SE Stratus, McMinnville

Signup Form include date & time.

Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.

In class we do the fingerprinting, photo, copy your drivers license no-fee.

Signs out-front & in the lobby.

This class covers Washington / Oregon / inter-State travel laws.

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Arizona / Utah (valid 35-States),  Oregon-training no-fee.

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071           

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9:00 AM09:00

Hermiston Concealed Carry Class

Concealed Carry Class

June 8th, 9am

Ranch & Home: 2500 Penny Ave, Hermiston

(Just across, and slightly down from Denny’s)

Signup Form include date & time.         

Signs out front and in the lobby.Class runs 2.5-hours, payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring..  In class we do the fingerprinting & photo for the multi-State permit **no-fee**.

$45 Oregon-Only

. $100 Multi-State (valid 35-States, including Washington).  Oregon included no-fee.

Class covers: Oregon gun laws, Washington gun laws, Inter-State travel laws, use of deadly force, firearm, holster, ammunition selection…

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1:00 PM13:00

Pasco Concealed Carry Class

  Concealed Carry Class

June 6th, 1pm

Griggs Department Store: 801 Columbia St, Pasco.

Signup Form include date & time.

Payment is cash or check at the class, drivers license is all you need to bring.  

Signs out-front and in the lobby. Meeting room is just to the right, before entering store. In class we fingerprint / photo /copies all no-fee.

Class covers Oregon / Washington / Inter-State gun laws / Holster / Firearm / Use of deadly force etc…

$45 Oregon-Only.

$100 Multi-State (valid 35-States).  Oregon included no-fee.

What questions do you have for me?

Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071

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