NRA Shotgun Instructor Certification Class

Time:  11-hours

Cost:  $200.00.

​This is a fun 1-day shotgun shooting class. That will allow you to teach the NRA basic shotgun course.

What to bring: A shotgun (cased) you would use to train a new shooter, 50+ rounds of shotgun ammunition, eye & ear protection, cleaning kit, ​3-ring binder.

​This class dose not include B.IT. (basic instructor training) that is required for instructor certification. If you have not had B.I.T prior to this class, please contact: Shaun Curtain 360-921-2071 or prior to class.

​$50 deposit, optionally $8 to have NRA material received prior to class.

Firearm Training NW: P.O. Box 1187, Brush Prairie, WA 98606